The ancillary products that I will create will help me to market my film, I will be advertising my film everywhere by putting my poster on billboards all over the country, mostly city cetre's where people will be able to see it most. For example, thousands of people every single day will be able to see my poster, and it will make them want to know more about the film. therefore it will be spreading my film on a large scale.
The magazine front cover will not be as important as the poster as it does not advertise my film as much, however my magazine will be good for people who like to read about movies etc. so when they see my cover on a magzine, prefereable in a horror magazine, they should want to see my film.
My final marketing product will be my film trailer, this is the main product for marketing. I will market my trailer on social networking sites as mentioned about, like Twitter and Facebook, but also the likes of Youtube as well. Millions of people use Youtube everyday, so the more people that watch my trailer the more of a fuss it will create and it will get me more and more viewers for my trailer, as not only do people just watch it, but they can like it and re-post it themselves which saves me alot of time for promoting my film and other people can do it for me. My film will also bhe placed in cinemas such as 'odeon' it will be played just before other films are being played so people getting ready to see another film are able to see my trailer first.
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